Friday, May 10, 2013

Winner winner chicken dinner!

In which I reveal the winner of the Filofax and other goodies...


Thursday, May 09, 2013

Don't you wish you were my kid's teacher?

It's teacher appreciation week! Here are the necklaces I made for my elementary teachers. I'll post pics of the process in the future. I'm really crazy about them!

Sunday, May 05, 2013

My bookbinding tool storage

In which I show off my new carousel to hold all my bookbinding tools.

It's working well and It has me newly inspired to make some books!

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Filofax Giveaway Time!!

So today I announce the giveaway! Drumroll please...

It's a Filofax mini Chameleon in raspberry!
She's still in the box all ready to head to her new home.

Here's a video of the prize in all its glory...

It begins today and ends May 8 at midnight.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Fine print: I'm sorry this is open to the US and Canada only. I will have an international contest in the near future. :)  
Don't know what a Filofax Chameleon is? It's a leather planner system. See a video tour of the line here.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I is for...imagination

There is really no limit to what a book can be or what it can be made from. Books have been made from food, fabric, wood, metal, glass, found objects and anything else you can think of. 

They can also be about anything you can think of. Or they can be blank, ready to be filled with wonderful thoughts. Here are some examples of people thinking outside the traditional book parameters. Please click on the images to visit their sites and learn more about their works.

This book from Angela Lorenz entitled Soap Story is printed on soap.

 Rosemary Furtak created this work.

Amazing artist books from Brian Dettmer.

Robert The's Whimsical cake book.

I encourage you to Google Artist books and Artist's books in images. You will be amazed at all the creative artistry that there is out there.

Monday, April 29, 2013

H is for...half leather

Marching through our bookbinding alphabet,we are now to the letter H. Leather is one of the most enduring cover materials. Since the dawn of books animal hide has been used to bind and decorate books for all occasions. Half leather means that the corners and the spine are covered with leather and the rest is covered with marbled paper or book cloth. The leather protects the most vulnerable parts of the book from excessive wear.

 Lovely sample of half binding from TJBookarts

Beth Antoine's exquisite half binding with marbled papers

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Getting ready for the week

Sunday evenings are a ritual for me. I listen to old time radio shows and I plan my week. It's relaxing and exciting and really recharges my energy. (And I need recharging after a weekend of teenage girls at my house!)

To plan for the week I:
  • pray
  • check my Cozi online calendar for family events.
  • check my paper calendar
  • go through a weekly planning checklist
  • refer to my goals (monthly and weekly)
  • decorate my week
  • plan my menu
  • check my finance Filofax for upcoming expenses

Do you plan? When do you do your planning?

Raskog cart storage awesomeness

In which I show you all about my new Raskog cart from Ikea. It holds my Project Life stuff and all my Filofax goodies too.

I am crazy about this sweet blue cart!

Raskog cart at Ikea

Filofax tag questions

In which I answer questions about Filofax.
It was a ton of fun to make!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Filofax Family Organizer peek

In which I show you inside the A5 Filofax Domino family organizer.

Lots of great pages in here!

Friday, April 19, 2013

G is for...gilt

Ooooh adding gold or silver to your book makes even the simplest tome a treasure to hold. Gilding is the process of adding precious metals to leather or paper bindings. There are gilding supplies available for anyone interested in apprenticing or taking a class.
gilded and enamel covers
beautiful detail on a gilded prayer book from Etsy

Red cover with gold gilding from 1700's France

Etsy sample of a handmade book with beautiful gilided Art Nouveau cover
Great tutorial of creating a gilt spine here.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

F is for...French

French link binding is another exposed binding with a lovely result. I did a previous post on this binding here. Enjoy!
Tutorial here.

Friday, April 12, 2013

E is

Exposed binding is an easy way to add a WOW factor to your tome. Instead of concealing the stitching, it becomes a decorative focal point. And it’s great for making books on the go because no adhesive is involved.

Exposed binding from Cailun

Exposed sewing on tapes from Feeling Bookish

Lovely exposed binding on cords from SlateBlu

Titanic Letterpress has several works with exposed binding to see if you click on the photo
Keith Smith has terrific books on making books without adhesive.
Tutorials here here and (long one) here.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

D is for...dos a dos

This is a super fun binding! It's two, two, two books in one. The term comes from French, meaning "back to back." It's not difficult to make and a ton to fun to use. You can keep two journals or a journal and a commonplace book or any other combo that suits your needs. It's also makes a great interactive journal between two people.

top view of this binding from Brittle Paper
Dos-a-dos style with four books from Batcat Press
Beautiful dos-a-dos with ephemera at Altered by the Sea

Fantastic embroidered dos-a-dos book from the 17th century
Book of Common Prayer ca. 1895
Book of Common Prayer and 1633 New Testament

Tutorial here

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

C is for...coptic

Coptic stitching is one of my go-to bindings. It's terribly easy and is useful for so many projects. I enjoy the straight lines and chain stitching that accentuates the open spine.
Lovely coptic binding nice and straight, from The Laurel Tree
Fantastic coptic with an added caterpillar stitched on the covers, from Katie Calak
coptic binding in a zigzag variation, from Garlic Harvest Studio

Up close and personal with another coptic variation, from Cailun
Video Tutorial here

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

B is for...Belgian

A lovely binding choice is the secret Belgian binding. I really love the simple lines and clean look. It's not too difficult for those who have some experience with bookbinding and the results are beautiful. They make nice journals and albums. because it opens flat it can be a good option for left-handed people like me.
Click the pics below to visit the sites of these lovely books.

lovely sample from Art-is-try. You can really see why it is called secret. The choice of thread is perfect to hide the binding.
Closeup of this binding. Excellent work!

Inside view of Belgian binding from BookGirl
Another view of inside from Studio B.

Excellent instructions here.

Monday, April 08, 2013

A is for...adhesives

So the first letter in our book binding alphabet is for adhesives. There are many choices for sticky things to keep your book together.
  • Rice paste is easy and inexpensive to make at home. Recipe here or all over the Net.
  • wheat paste can be made from scratch but bugs like it so long-term it can be a problem. Recipe here or on the Web.
  • PVA--polyvinyl acetate, standard adhesive for bookbinders. Strong and long-lasting glue for porous materials like paper and wood. can be a bit pricey, depending on your source. Also it cannot be shipped in winter.
  • glue sticks--available everywhere
  • archival glues used for scrapbooking available ant any scrapbook supplier adequate for gluing down papers but not for hinges and corners such as boxes.
  • tapes come on tape guns and handheld applicators. They are quick and easy to use with little mess.
  • white glue like Elmer's in not a good choice for most projects.
There's a perfect adhesive for any job you have. If you decide to make a book that you want to last, it pays to do your due diligence and investigate the best adhesive for your project.
Questions? Did I leave an adhesive out? Leave a comment!