Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Filofax Giveaway Time!!

So today I announce the giveaway! Drumroll please...

It's a Filofax mini Chameleon in raspberry!
She's still in the box all ready to head to her new home.

Here's a video of the prize in all its glory...

It begins today and ends May 8 at midnight.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Fine print: I'm sorry this is open to the US and Canada only. I will have an international contest in the near future. :)  
Don't know what a Filofax Chameleon is? It's a leather planner system. See a video tour of the line here.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I is for...imagination

There is really no limit to what a book can be or what it can be made from. Books have been made from food, fabric, wood, metal, glass, found objects and anything else you can think of. 

They can also be about anything you can think of. Or they can be blank, ready to be filled with wonderful thoughts. Here are some examples of people thinking outside the traditional book parameters. Please click on the images to visit their sites and learn more about their works.

This book from Angela Lorenz entitled Soap Story is printed on soap.

 Rosemary Furtak created this work.

Amazing artist books from Brian Dettmer.

Robert The's Whimsical cake book.

I encourage you to Google Artist books and Artist's books in images. You will be amazed at all the creative artistry that there is out there.

Monday, April 29, 2013

H is for...half leather

Marching through our bookbinding alphabet,we are now to the letter H. Leather is one of the most enduring cover materials. Since the dawn of books animal hide has been used to bind and decorate books for all occasions. Half leather means that the corners and the spine are covered with leather and the rest is covered with marbled paper or book cloth. The leather protects the most vulnerable parts of the book from excessive wear.

 Lovely sample of half binding from TJBookarts

Beth Antoine's exquisite half binding with marbled papers

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Getting ready for the week

Sunday evenings are a ritual for me. I listen to old time radio shows and I plan my week. It's relaxing and exciting and really recharges my energy. (And I need recharging after a weekend of teenage girls at my house!)

To plan for the week I:
  • pray
  • check my Cozi online calendar for family events.
  • check my paper calendar
  • go through a weekly planning checklist
  • refer to my goals (monthly and weekly)
  • decorate my week
  • plan my menu
  • check my finance Filofax for upcoming expenses

Do you plan? When do you do your planning?

Raskog cart storage awesomeness

In which I show you all about my new Raskog cart from Ikea. It holds my Project Life stuff and all my Filofax goodies too.

I am crazy about this sweet blue cart!

Raskog cart at Ikea

Filofax tag questions

In which I answer questions about Filofax.
It was a ton of fun to make!