Tuesday, March 24, 2009

vlog: make your own book cloth

Here's my first ever video tutorial--on making your own book cloth. Hope you find it helpful. Please understand, it is my first shot at this. Hope it's not too long!

Make your own book cloth from Anna Hawthorne on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed seeing you in your studio. Yes, do more of these. You're making me want to make books!

What are some other ideas for using book cloth? I'm sure your creative mind has at least a few ideas.

Could you cover notebooks with it? Would you need to put on some kind of protective coating?

Anonymous said...

Great job Anna Marie! I have ben wondering how to do this. I think you might have just started me on a new obsession to go with my paper hoarding. :-)

Cindy Leaders said...

Hey, Anna! Nice job! Glad to see you're back on Etsy as well. Wishing you the very best.


Unknown said...

Thank you so much for posting this, Anna! I had always wondered if there was a DIY way to make bookcloth or if I was just stuck with the options at the store...